Our Mission

Living an active and eco friendly lifestyle is what acg4me is all about. Powered by ActiClean Inc., the ACG website was initially launched in 2005 with one mission - bring earth-friendly products to consumers and promote healthy, active lifestyles. We started with basics - a natural antimicrobial towel - and have continued to evolve over the years. Today, as corporations and governments embrace the importance of sustainability in the fight against climate change, acg4me.com continues to deliver ideas, tips and stories about living greener as as we all seek ways to avoid the "tipping point" beyond which damage to the environment becomes irreversable.

Intrinsic to our mission is focusing on the importance of equality and social justice within the "sustainability equation". An imbalanced society directly impacts the surrounding ecosystem - and we bear witness to this reality on a daily basis. The other side of that coin is that one person CAN make a difference. What we do MATTERS. That’s why we strive every day to bring you information that may help you to live BETTER.

Our New Look

Just as our knowledge and understanding of the environment and each other continues to evolve, so does our look! You'll notice our redesigned logo beginning to appear in places, and we have other changes in store as well. 2021 is the perfect time (for so many reasons) to clear out the cobwebs, refresh and recommit, and move forward in some exciting new directions.

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But all this has come at a cost. Millions are unemployed. The economy is in shambles. And for many, home as become the ONLY place to be. Work, school, working out, dining, and entertainment are all contained within the four walls of our abodes. And while the vaccine offers the promise that life will someday get back to normal and we’ll be freed from the confines of our respective domiciles, will much of the new year continue to be life at home as the ONLY place to be? Is “stay-at-home” the trend for this year?





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